{ Sound + Design } Podcast



Sound Design & Field Recordings


  • Just a Bit of News… { sound + blog }

    30/07/2009 Duração: 10min

    It has been far too long since I have written a post. I am totally absorbed in designing a new programme continuing with the theme of social sound design. It is no doubt keeping me very busy! I will give more details a bit later. Max/MSP/Jitter Course Last week I was in London attending an […]

  • iScream Factory { sound + recording }


    Across from my flat a bungee jumping crane set up shop, so I did too. I brought my tripod for the mic and recording equipment, and recorded the screams of people when they jumped. Very entertaining indeed. Here is a quick montage of a few of the screams. Because of the crane and the traffic, […]

  • A Bag(pipe) Of Grains { sound + granular }

    13/06/2009 Duração: 01min

    Living in Scotland, you’re bound to hear bagpipes. In fact I hear them most days because I live next to a park where bagpipers like to rehearse. So every now and then you’ll get an entry on bagpipes like this one or “This is Not a Bagpipe”. Today, I recorded two bagpipe players who were […]