Cabin Lane Church Oswestry Listen Again

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 3:44:31
  • Mais informações



Weekly Sunday sermons from Cabin Lane Church, Oswestry, Shropshire


  • Talk from the Operation Mobilization team.


    - The O.M. Team shared with great honesty, passion and tears some of their stories of work abroad with a special video narrated by our own Jamie ('Bean').

  • Persevere


    Romans 4:18-5:5 - Matthew spoke about the need to 'Persevere ' through all of life's trials, using (Romans 4:18-5:5) as his proof text

  • Cultivating an Attitude of Gratitude


    Psalms 100 - Steve spoke about 'Cultivating an Attitude of Gratitude ' using Psalm 100 in a very powerful, thought provoking way. As followers of Jesus Christ we can be grateful in the good times and hard times. Our lives are all about perspective!

  • People from the New Testament


    - All Age Service today with Jason starting new series on 7 important people in New Testament!

  • Everyone Matters to God


    Luke 15:1-2 - Jan spoke with real passion again this morning using great illustrations and (Luke 15).

  • Zambia Mission


    - Phil spoke about his mission trip to Zambia where the team built a kitchen from scratch for a school there.

  • Surrender All


    John 6:1 - All Age Service with Jane challenging us to 'Surrender All', using (John 6:1) and explaining that however little we actually have, it's always enough for the Lord to multiply and use!

  • What kind of journey are we on?


    Romans 12:2 - Lou spoke about our verse for the year, Romans 12:2. The theme was based around what kind of journey we are all on or are we just static?

  • Being made in the Image of God


    Genesis 1:27 - This morning Steve's message was based on (Gen 1:27) 'Being made in the image of God'. Thank you to two elders and a youngster for helping demonstrate the point that we are all special, precious and loved beyond measure by the Lord!

  • Peace This Side of Eternity


    John 1:1-14 - Steve spoke about the fact we can have peace this side of eternity and not be afraid. He opened up John 1:1-14 linking it with Luke 2:8-14.

  • Waiting


    - Kate spoke from Luke 2 about the various stages of waiting on the Lord. Simeon and Anna were good examples of what this means.

  • Is there a Heaven


    - Steve challenged us to think about, 'Is there a heaven?'' and if we believe there is, 'How are we going to get there?

  • Daniel


    - Jason finished off his series on the Old Testament with the book of Daniel. Our challenge was to "be not conformed to this world" with the exiles in Babylon as our example!

  • Sacrifice


    - Howard spoke about sacrifice starting with those we must never forget for their 'sacrifice ' to the ultimate life changing 'sacrifice ' of our Saviour, Jesus Christ!

  • Mental Health


    Psalms - Liz Jermy used two Psalms 42-43 to speak passionately about mental health, the issues, stigma and positive ways to live with and come through in Jesus Christ!

  • Pain


    Romans 5:3-4 - Lou spoke from Romans 5:3-4 and did an admirable job using this passage to speak about 'Pain' and how even though none of us enjoy it, we can come through victorious with a more durable, godly character! Jesus is our joy and He faced life's trials fixing His gaze on the finishing line which would bring us eternal life and freedom through the suffering, pain of the cross.

  • Jonah


    - Jason spoke about Jonah and the importance of obeying the call of the Lord.

  • Your Focus Determines your Reality


    Mark 10:17-23 - A very challenging Word from Matthew. Mark 10:17-23 asking the question, "What is the priority in our lives?" If the Lord, His Word and taking time to listen is not the answer then all else becomes meaningless and shallow!

  • Fear


    Psalms 46:1-2 - Steve spoke powerfully from Psalm 46:1-2 all about FEAR that can stop us from moving forward. As we look to Jesus and seek to soar into His presence we can overcome!

  • 'Care for the Family' talk


    - Mike from CARE, Christian Action Research and Education spoke a really challenging message about Christians supporting, teaching and, training those in Parliament and society today.

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