Career Cpr

Experience the Power of Meditation to Increase Your Productivity



Career CPR Book “Breathe in peace, breathe out stress. Relaxing can bring relief to much of what ails you. In our stressful and often negative world, your decision to make relaxing a priority will help you navigate, handle, and minimize stress. Doing so will positively impact your health, well-being, and happiness.”  ― Susan C. Young   Do you ever find yourself so irritated that it affects your performance? Have you been so stressed out that you can't sleep at night? Are you so overwhelmed that you can't seem to stay focused? Do you ever have to make a major decision, and you just don't know which way to go? Meditation can help with all of these challenges. During our podcast there is a meditation. If you are driving or operating a vehicle, you will need to pull over and stop your car for this audio meditation. You can listen to our full audio podcast here, or continue reading below: Listen to the Podcast > The Power of Meditation What is Meditation? Meditation is a practice where you train your mind or induc