On The Wetcoast Podcast

OTWC 040: Novelty, Being in the Moment, and Gangbangs - On The Wet Coast



One of the most exciting things about non-monogamy can be the novelty of new adventures and new people in our lives. At the same time, one of the many sources of stress in our world is an excess of choice. How can we make the right decisions with so many options as we try to decide who to date, who to make advance plans with, and/or who to hook up with at play parties or the swinger club? Due to that excess of choice we're often looking over our shoulder to see if there's anything else/better coming along rather than focusing on being where we are and who we're with. The FOMO  - Fear Of Missing Out - can make it that we're not able to be present in the moment and we don't ever truly enjoy the experience we're currently having. We can also get so caught up in comparing what we have with what others have that we never really appreciate the experiences we have and the people we have them with. On this episode of On The Wet Coast, Flick Morrison and Kat Stark are discussing Novelty, Being in the Moment, and Gang