Living Limitlessly

#1 Fran Murrell - GMOs



GMOs,   Fran Murrell is one of the co-founder's of MADGE along with Jessica Harrison and Glenda Lindsay.  They started MADGE in 2007 because the Victorian Government’s ban on growing GM canola was about to expire in 2008.   "Mothers Are Demystifying Genetic Engineering" or "Mothers Advocating Deliciously Good Eating" They are a group of self-funded volunteers who are motivated by the concerns about what is happening to our food. MADGE knows that most people have no idea what GM is or, that they are likely to be eating it every day.  Almost all GM ingredients are unlabeled.  Therefore, even if people want to avoid eating GM, it is very hard to do.  They think that this is an unacceptable experiment on the general public.