Zoë Foster

Conversations with Spirit Seekers: Meet Camille Wu



Join me as I interview inspiring modern pilgrims, heroines and pioneers who have overcome huge adversity in their lives and are here to share with YOU just how they did this, and what vital lessons they learned along the way. Today we’re in conversation with a woman whose journey took her from early-onset MS to successful and passionate entrepreneur working with women to transform their mindset around what is truly possible for them in their lives. Meet Camille Wu of camisiology.com. Camille shares her own health journey and discusses with me the importance of expressing your emotions, and how this can help you heal. She also tells us how she ended up working with shamans in Peru, and what that taught her, and give us her top 3 tips for a successful healing journey. If you love this episode please do subscribe to The Alchemist's Notebook on iTunes, leave a review and share with your friends!