Tranquility Du Jour

Tranquility du Jour #532: Capsule Dressing



In this week’s edition of Tranquility du Jour, I present ways to create your own capsule wardrobe, why a uniform is helpful, and how to pare down to your closet essentials. I also share thoughts on the pandemic's year anniversary and four journaling prompts. Direct download: Tranquility du Jour #532: Capsule Dressing. Subscribe in your favorite podcast app such as Spotify, Apple Podcast, Amazon, or Overcast. New to Tranquility du Jour? Learn more here. Events March 21: TDJ Live Masterclass March 27: TDJ Style Pop-Up April 3: Spring Virtual Retreat Mentioned in the Show video Psychology Today article 4 Journaling Questions 1. What have I learned over the past year? 2. What have been the challenges? 3. What have been some perks of life slowing down? 4. What am I most looking forward to once things normalize? Let's Connect Join our TDJ Insider's Facebook group. Share resources, get inspiration, make connections, be part of the online book club. Sign up for a 30-day trial of Audible and get your first book FR