Brand Boost Podcast: Marketing, Video, Influence, Social Media, Strategy & News

Gary Vaynerchuk says “Building the Biggest Building!”



30 Minutes with Gary Vaynerchuk: My Thoughts I'€™ve never classified myself as a fan boy. Growing up as a first-generation Italian-American, we were taught that no one is better than anyone else, and that if you want to achieve something,you work hard until you can do justthat. Well, the message from my parents and grandparents has now come full circle when I spoke to Gary Vaynerchuk for the Brand Boost Podcast. There was a time I really didn'€™t like what Gary had to say. Not because I thought Garywas a bad guy, or because the things he said were wrong, butbecause it was information I had heard every day, for my entire life. I would listen and think to myself, are people really listening to a man tell them what to do and who is saying what mydad had been talking about for 30 years? As with most boys, we finally get it at some time around the age of 30. I began to realize that Gary'€™s message wasn'€™t what you should be doing, rather, what he is doing and how it works for him. It all seems so obvious, howeve