Degeneration Radio

Episode #...we lost count



JP, like a cancer is back this week joining Ricky and Marie. Ricky and Marie talk about working from home, people not taking this seriously and local measures they've noticed. Ricky and JP talk toilet paper and come up with a way to keep it from being hoarded. Marie recaps a scary flight experience. The guys talk about air travel during this. JP and Marie talk about some interesting experiences they've had flying. Out of break Marie and Ricky talk about keto bread. JP and Ricky talk comfort food and how the weather plays a role in weight management. JP talks about his newest addition to the family and it leaks gas. The guys talk about the country life and Ricky tells an old story where he witnessed class going right out the window. JP and Ricky talk festivals and shows and how music and sports have completely changed. Live content coming back is discussed. Marie, Ricky and JP discuss life getting back to normal. Ricky talks about feeling trapped. Marie gets a peek into the old show. JP describe