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Confident & Clear Storytelling Anytime, Anywhere with Rachel Hanfling



Emmy-nominated Rachel Hanfling is a former producer for Oprah and Anderson Cooper, she’s coached clients to become go-to media experts, land deals on Shark Tank, sell out on QVC, nail workplace politics and more. She is the creator of Own the Power of Your Story, Shine and Power Your Public Presence in Media, on Stage and Beyond. Top 3 Value Bombs 1. The gap of where you are and where you want to be is how you speak. The first step in becoming successful is considering who you are speaking to. Knowing who is your audience is the first thing one should consider to be successful when they talk. 2. When you share your story, you have to first understand your audience and what will mostly resonate to them. You can have the greatest impact when you tell your truth story through the prism of what is going to connect most to your audience. 3. It is possible for you to become your own greatest asset in your business when you learn to speak powerfully for this is a skill that you can learn like any other. Discover how