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Maximizing Customer Retention with John S. Kim



John S. Kim is the Co-Founder and CEO of Sendbird (YC W16), the world's no1. conversations platform for mobile apps powering 300M+ people every month. Top 3 Value Bombs 1. “Ikigai” is finding purpose in life is having a deeper introspection of yourself and finding what you want to do for the next 30 years will ultimately make you successful and deeply happy. 2. Terminal ARR may seem too negative but it also gives leverage to the company to be able to grow and change the total growth potential of the business. 3. A lot of metrics are hard to change as the company grows so think long term and think about the value of your customers ,how to retain them , how to structurally increase the gross ARR of your business. APIs for better customer communications - Send Bird Sponsors HubSpot Starting a business doesn’t have to be so hard. Go to click HubSpot.com/ent to download HubSpot’s Entrepreneurship Kit for free right now ThriveTime Show Attend the world’s highest rated and most reviewed business growth workshop taug