The Chick Whisperer Podcast

Hacks For Introverted Guys - MTP417



Co-Host Nick Shelton ( A whole lot of guys who aren't exactly where they want to be with women are introverts by nature. But here's the deal...most of the time they aren't seeing the success they want because they either THINK introverts aren't as good with women, or they've been TOLD introverts aren't good with women. My returning guest Nick Shelton literally wrote the book on this subject, and he and I are all about empowering YOU to have the kind of women you really want in your life. First off, what are the misconceptions about introversion? What if you're an 'ambivert', and your frame is somewhat variable from situation to situation? Why are the new paradigms for not only socializing but workplace environments a very real paradise for introverts? And what about social media? Even though it doesn't involve physically interacting with a big crowd of people, it still seems to be the extroverts who are drawn to it. What's up with that? Can introverts actually be bette