The Chick Whisperer Podcast

The Latest Changes In How Men And Women Relate - MTP415



Co-Host Christy Kerns ( My first-time guest is Christy Kerns, who is the VP of Client Relations at high-end matchmaking firm Luma Luxury Matchmaking. Christy oversees the entire group of matchmakers over at her firm, so she has plenty of insight into how dating and relating has changed in recent months and years. My first question to her is why almost all matchmakers are women...and her answer makes perfect sense. From there, her very first two comments on what has changed since the pandemic were indeed ones I hadn't given much attention to as of yet, and they're both fascinating takes. How have daters actually become more patient in recent years, despite the fast-pace in general of post-modern reality? And what is really behind the trend of older women looking for younger men nowadays? What are the subtle changes that have occurred because of that bigger change of people having become far more politically-focused than in decades past? And what is the current state of peopl