The Chick Whisperer Podcast

Transactional Relationships - MTP414



Co-Host Dr. Thomas Jordan ( An increasingly disturbing trend is toward unabashedly transactional relationships between men and women. But what does that even mean? My returning guest is Dr. Thomas Jordan, a clinical psychologist and love live researcher who may be the very best guy to answer that question. Dr. Jordan (you can call him Tom) and I talk first about the reasons why relationships have moved away from concepts like, oh...intimacy and connection, and more toward what each respective party can get out of the deal. Is there any wonder the divorce rate is so high? Well, as it turns out, there's more there than meets the eye...and it's fascinating. What is the connection between transactional relationships and what Tom calls 'defensive relationships'? And is it possible to have a purely transactional relationship even if the two of you have 'fallen in love'? What if the person you want to serve your needs in a relationship actually has needs of their own...but both