Fitness Confidential With Vinnie Tortorich

Practice What You Preach with Scott King - Episode 2507



Episode 2507 - On this Friday's show Vinnie Tortorich speaks with Scott King to discuss how to practice what you preach, training for triathlons, and more. PLEASE SUPPORT OUR SPONSORS YOU CAN WATCH ALL THE PODCAST EPISODES ON YOUTUBE - The Incredible Shrinking Man Some people in the health and fitness space do not appear to practice what they preach. (4:00) Scott recounts his story of the revelation he received that he had to take control of his health. (7:30) He was approximately 600 pounds, had bariatric surgery, but was gaining back weight. A harrowing episode with his young daughter’s safety shook him into action. He heard Vinnie on Adam & Dr Drew and started researching. Vinnie shares some realities of being on chemo. (13:00) He has started posting workout videos in his NSNG® VIP group, because he is starting from square one, too. Scott reveals what it’s like to get gastric bypass surgery. (17:30) Eve