Contaminated Site Clean-up Information (clu-in): Internet Seminar Audio Archives

Audio for "Federal Facilities Online Academy: Resolving Issues before Formal Dispute," Jun 12, 2024



Resolving Issues Before Formal Dispute is a two-hour webinar course that identifies less formal options to address conflict before going to dispute under a federal facility agreement. This webinar provides project management tips and techniques to address disagreements early in the process . By taking this course, participants will achieve the following objectives:Identify factors that contribute to conflict when working with team members from different agencies;Learn how to prepare a team to handle conflict;Explore tips and techniques to improve communication and come to resolution; and,Understand when formal dispute should be considered.The instructional methodology for this course includes lecture, group discussions, case studies, and quizzes. The target audience for this course is federal, state, and tribal representatives who work on Federal Facility cleanups. This course is part of the Federal Facilities Academy training program. Please consider registering for other Federal Facility Academy course