Contaminated Site Clean-up Information (clu-in): Internet Seminar Audio Archives

Audio for "EMRTAI: Advancing Technological Innovation and Supporting Informed Decision-Making in Critical Minerals Recovery from Mine Waste," Jun 18, 2024



The U.S. EPA Office of Mountains, Deserts and Plains has launched a new initiative - the Environmental Monitoring and Remediation Technology Assessment Initiative (EMRTAI) - that is focused on innovative technologies to recover critical minerals from waste materials at Superfund legacy hard rock mine and mineral processing sites. The goal of EMRTAI, which is being developed to support stakeholders across the mining industry, is to generate credible data through a quality-driven technology assessment program to promote advancement of innovative technologies and informed decision-making. At present, there are nearly 100 mining or mine-related sites on EPA's Superfund National Priorities List (NPL), and many more sites throughout the U.S. in variable stages of remediation. EMRTAI will advance EPA's mission to protect human health and the environment by assisting technology developers and vendors with performance assessments that target site clean-up and critical minerals recovery technologies as part of sustaina