Contaminated Site Clean-up Information (clu-in): Internet Seminar Audio Archives

Audio for "Analytical Solute and Heat Transport Model (ASHTM): Tool to Assist Superfund Oversight," Jun 10, 2024



U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and its contractors performing oversight at Superfund Sites review numerical models developed to simulate contaminant transport. An analytical transport model could be used to check the numerical model results but a practical modeling tool based on a 3D analytical solute transport model is not publicly or commercially available. The roles of an analytical model in Superfund oversight are to simulate the general plume behavior; guide the development of, and provide a check for, a more complex numerical solute transport model; and evaluate smaller scale transport such as during natural gradient tracer tests. EPA tasked APTIM to develop an analytical model for solute transport in a three-dimensional aquifer of finite thickness with uniform flow, dual porosity, sorption, sequential decay, and time-dependent source. The new model was verified against existing analytical models for special cases and against numerical models MT3DMS and RT3D, and published in two journal pap