More Than A Few Words

#1016 Tell Stories About Your Best Day | David Hutchens



I love to tell stories. Not only because they’re fun, but because they’re great for business.  That’s why I was excited to sit down with master storyteller, David Hutchins a few years ago.   If you missed the conversation back then, here's you chance to learn more about storytelling.  The Power of Stories: Stories create connection and belief, which leads to better outcomes in business. Selecting the Right Stories: Choosing the right stories by strategically identifying the types of stories that align with a business's goals  drive engagement and shape the organization's culture. "Us at Our Best" Stories: These stories illustrate what it looks like when a business is delivering top-notch value and excellence. Intentional Storytelling: Hutchens stresses that storytelling should be intentional and methodical, crafting stories purposefully to achieve their desired results. Repetition and Consistency: The more often people hear the stories, the  more likely that people will engage with the business's vis