Diet Science

Natural Ways to Boost GLP-1 Without the Drugs



Glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) is a hormone naturally produced in the intestines during meals. It helps regulate blood sugar and weight by increasing insulin, slowing stomach emptying, and promoting fullness. Medications like Ozempic® and Wegovy® mimic the effects of GLP-1 but can be expensive and have unpleasant side effects. Listen in this week as Dee explores research on foods and probiotics that naturally boost GLP-1, offering similar benefits without the high costs and side effects.References:De Silva, A., & Bloom, S. R. (2012). Gut hormones and appetite control: A focus on PYY and GLP-1 as therapeutic targets in obesity. Gut and Liver, 6(1), 10–20., T., Trakooncharoenvit, A., Taguchi, H.;,Hara, H. (2021). Improvement of glucose tolerance by food factors having glucagon-like peptide-1 releasing activity. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 22(12), 6623., F., McMurdie, P., Bullard, J