The Chick Whisperer Podcast

Kickin' It Old Skool - MTP411



Co-Host Emily McKay ( First and foremost, if you think even for a second that this episode is going to be about two dinosaurs reminiscing about the past, you're in for a surprise. Given how Emily and I have been totally immersed in dating and relationship stuff for nearly 20 years, we've had our fingers on the pulse of how men and women relate for a LONG time. On top of that, with a milestone high school reunion coming up this year, I've found myself thinking about how dating and relating has evolved...and surprised myself with a few key revelations. With all of that in mind, Emily and I have an honest, eye-opening conversation featuring straight talk about what we're GLAD isn't going on anymore. And yes, we also find a few examples of really good stuff that used to happen that just doesn't anymore. For instance, what good has online dating and the proliferation of Internet dating advice done...but at what cost? How did 'hookup culture' change the game? How about pharmaceu