Contaminated Site Clean-up Information (clu-in): Internet Seminar Audio Archives

Audio for "Federal Facilities Online Academy: Determining Applicable or Relevant and Appropriate Requirements (ARARs) in RODs," May 14, 2024



Determining ARARs at Federal Facility Sites is a two-hour webinar course that will highlight how to determine Applicable or Relevant and Appropriate Requirements (ARARs) in decision-documents based on Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) guidance, identify commonly used ARARs, and when to involve partners. By taking this course, participants will achieve the following objectives:Understand the general procedures for ARAR identification, analysis, and documentation;Learn about ARARs under Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) Section 121(d) and associated EPA guidance;Identify the three types of ARARs and how they are determined; and,Explore CERCLA ARAR waiver criteria and the six waivers identified under CERCLA 121(d).The instructional methodology for this course includes lecture and quizzes. The target audience for this course is federal, state, and tribal representatives who work on Federal Facility cleanups. Ideally, students should have a basic understanding of