The Chick Whisperer Podcast

Dominants And Submissives - MTP409



Co-Host Chris M. Lyon ( My guest is a coach certified in applied neuroscience and brain health, and the author of Leading and Supportive Love: The Truth About Dominant and Submissive Relationships. She joins me in this episode for a long-overdue discussion on the nature of dominant/submissive sexual relationships. Starting off with what she refers to as 'a 101 for vanilla people', she explains dominant and submissive personality traits that aren't well known. For example, dominant partners aren't the same thing as domineering. They can often be sensitive and caring. Is dominance a distinctly masculine frame? What if Chris told you that most dominatrices are actually submissives? And what if she told you that people who are dominant partners are typically very good followers, team players, etc. at work and/or in other social environments? So then, what IS dominance and submission really about when it comes to relationships? Listen in as Chris explains how and why both roles