More Than A Few Words

#1006 Thanks, But I Don't Need Your Help | Marketing Minute with Lorraine Ball



So today's marketing minute is a bit of a rant. Every day people reach out to me on LinkedIn, offering to help me grow my business. I’m sure they genuinely believe (not) they can help me. I’m just not interested. Don't get me wrong, it isn't because I think I am the leading authority on every subject and have nothing else to learn. I object to their sales process, targeting anyone with a key word in their bio. Don't be someone I will hate!  Before you reach out and offer your services to me or anyone else on LinkedIn look at my career path and my experience. Consider where I am on my journey to make sure you are offering a relevant solution. That will make your marketing efforts more productive. I’ve been podcasting for 15 years and I have released one thousand episodes. I don’t need tips on how to start or promote a podcast. If I haven’t figured it out by now, I never will. Ask questions about what I’m working on or struggling with before you dive in with your solution. I ran a digital agency for 19 years,