No More Excuses: Monday Motivation Podcast

Podcast #405: Mid Q2: Time to Play BIGGER!



HAPPY MONDAY MOTIVATION! Welcome back to another episode of "No More Excuses" podcast! Today, we're diving into Q2 and how to kick things into high gear to make this year your most successful yet. And yes, this is on the coattails of understanding how important a business plan is. If you have a plan, you probably – or SHOULD – have it in there to do progress checks! So… did you create yours? Or update an old one?  Remember, you can download my free template from my website: The second quarter—a time of renewal, growth, and opportunity. But how the hell do you make the most of it? Well, that's what we're here to find out. So, if you’re not driving, running, or riding your bike, grab a pen, strap in, and get ready to ramp things up like a badass. Before we charge ahead into Q2, let's take a moment to reflect on Q1. Yes, AGAIN! Because my guess it not many of you really DUG IN to what was going on, as the 2nd quarter tends to sneak up on people.  Listen in today as I share t