

 It's a new quarter baby and the calendar has flipped into the month of April, so a new 90 day period to tune into what I truly desire and fully show up for myself.After all, it's my birthday month, and there's something about this time of year that ignites a fire within me.I use this time around my birthday, but you can do it anytime, to shed what no longer serves me, and to truly understand what I need to thrive.Not just for myself, but for my family, my loved ones, and my cherished community of clients.In today's episode, I want to dive deep into the concept of showing up for yourself over the next 90 days.How can you embrace radical self-responsibility and finally do those things you've been avoiding?Where might you be falling short in your commitments and what's preventing you from reaching your full potential?Where have you made promises to yourself, only to go back on them when life gets tough for you? Where are you neglecting your daily wellness rituals, your exercise routines, your self-car