

Another week where I'm battling some health issues, but nothing serious enough to keep me from getting all but a few international prize packages out the door! It always makes me happy to somehow return the favour and say thanks for your support. It probably dates back to being a kid and never getting any mail. Little did I know all those letters for my folks were bills. But you want to get to the new music, and I have an orange cat on my lap wondering why the keyboard is getting more attention than he is. Black Selket - Bruder Narconic - Storytime Logic & Olivia - I Wish (People Theatre) Rotoskop - Talk & Pray Kanka + Bodewell - Bleib Nicht Stehen (Stroboscope) Zanias - Lovelife (Skelesys) BlakLight - Blind Vision Draven - Through The Cerebral Cortex (We are Magonia)