Creative Warriors

934: Paul Cuneo – Navigating Your Hero's Journey



I have been receiving coaching for 25 years, and I can honestly say that the coaching I received from today’s guest has been the most powerful and life-changing I have ever received. Today I’m speaking with Paul Cuneo, the creator of the Hero's Journey Odyssey Experience. Paul's insights into the Hero's Journey and its application to personal and professional growth have reshaped my understanding of authenticity and identity. Through our conversation, we explore the transformative nature of this storytelling tradition, delving into the merging of conscious and unconscious minds, the physical and visceral aspects of the journey, and the role of the ego in forming identity. Join us in this profound conversation about personal growth, authenticity, and the interconnectedness of life.   Paul Cuneo is the creator of the Hero's Journey Odyssey Experience and the creative behind Through the HJOE, Paul helps clients move through personal and professional transition and reinvention by mapping thei