Dad Starting Over Podcast

About The "Forgotten Father" Tweet I Posted



In this episode, DSO explores the sensitive topic of men feeling forgotten after having children. He shares the negative response he received from women when pointing out this issue and questions whether men are truly not helping or if their efforts are being overlooked. DSO emphasizes the importance of open communication and understanding between partners to bridge the gap and maintain a strong romantic connection amidst the challenges of parenthood. A thought-provoking discussion on the dynamics of modern relationships and the need for mutual support.Key Takeaways:Men often feel forgotten and sidelined in a partnership after children are born, which can spark negative reactions, particularly from women.The common critique from women retorts that if men were more involved in childcare and household duties, they wouldn't feel marginalized.The host challenges this critique, noting that many men are already significantly involved in domestic roles and responsibilities.Discussions highlight the importance of par