Naturally Nourished

Episode 380: Why Test Your Micronutrients & What Deficiency Trends Tell You



Curious about your micronutrient status? Wonder if you’re still deficient even though you take a multivitamin and eat a whole foods diet? Want to know how a simple blood test can tell you exactly what to supplement with and what foods to focus on? Tune in to learn about micronutrient testing--from the mechanisms of testing, to why you might be deficient in the first place, to how you can use this data to optimize and thrive!    In this episode, we will cover micronutrient testing and what trends of deficiency can tell you about your health. Even if you eat “healthy” you can be deficient based on increased demand, inability to absorb or use, inadequate intake. Testing micronutrients can play a turnkey role in your wellness as we can see beyond the nutrient itself and see the story of the deficiency trends to address the root cause of imbalance. Plus we’ll explore case studies, from a postmenopausal woman to a carnivore to someone dealing with chronic fatigue and brain fog and discuss actual interventions that