Dad Starting Over Podcast

Interview With Carla Crivaro - "The Forgotten Man"



I had the pleasure of sitting down for a nice chat with Carla Crivaro from the UK. From her website at"I started out as a sexually repressed, stay at home mother and wife with chronic anxiety, low self-worth and deep-rooted insecurities in all relationships from working to familial to romantic. I went on to experience a 'sexual awakening' which took me on a path of self-discovery. I consensually dabbled in play parties and dating while still married to my then husband and we have since transitioned into a co-parenting partnership.​I have learnt to ask for what I want in relationships, state my boundaries and maintain them and I continue to learn and grow. I'm now in a monogamous 'living together apart' relationship with my partner in what is considered a 'Power Couple' relationship."Carla and I chatted about one of her favorite subjects to tackle: The Forgotten Father.