Naturally Nourished

Episode 374: How to Naturally Increase Your Progesterone



Can you naturally increase your progesterone? How does stress deplete this important hormone? How does progesterone act differently than synthetic progestin in the body? Tune in to hear us answer these questions and more about our favorite hormone!    In this episode we will be talking all about progesterone, its role in the body, why it gets depleted, and so much more. Plus we’ll be covering 10+ natural ways to increase it including diet, supplements and lifestyle tweaks.    Also in this episode:  12 Week Food-as-Medicine Ketosis Program Starts 1/10!  What is Progesterone? Signs of Low Progesterone How Does Progesterone Get Depleted? Episode 139 The Pregnenolone Steal Anti-Anxiety Jumpstart Bundle Estrogen DominanceBroccoDetox Episode 280 Why You Need Estrogen Episode 281 Estrogen Concerns and updates Progesterone vs. ProgestinEpisode 106 Regulating Your Cycle Why Salivary Hormone Testing is KeyNeurohormone Lab How to Naturally Boost Your Progesterone Quality FatEPA DHA Extra  Dietary fat intake and