Finding Brave

267: Why Consent Is a Must for Connection and Respect in Life and Work



Relationship expert, trainer, speaker, and author Dr. Eric FitzMedrud uses his wide-ranging expertise to teach men how to hone their consent skills for stronger relationships and hotter sex, and also has witnessed how consent enhances connection, reward, respect and fulfillment in work and organizational settings as well.  As a therapist committed to helping people live more meaningful, connected lives, Eric wrote the book The Better Man: A Guide to Consent, Stronger Relationships, and Hotter Sex to offer much-needed tools for instruction, healing, and growth. As you’ll discover in this episode, these tools can assist us in nearly all aspects of our lives. Today on Finding Brave, Eric paints a clearer picture of consent-driven leadership, highlights some of the systemic barriers that hinder the creation and growth of a consent culture at work, and delves into the emotional responses that often make the word “no” so difficult to hear and accept and what to do to shift that. We also touch on the important role