Friday Night Live With Monty!

Friday Night Live presents: TWO special guest supah-stahs!



That's right, I scored a major coup by getting Podcasting Beefcake Tee Morris AND sex-kitten/librarian/author Philippa Ballantine on the show AT THE SAME TIME. It was full of WIN! 08-08-08 is the Day of Double Trouble! Listen to find out why... And also... Big fun and silly anecdotes! We discuss bum-fondling! We try to uncover footage of Tee's skinny-dipping adventure that was CAUGHT ON TAPE! Pip is my new BFF because she sent me pictures of man-meat! NOM Is that a banana in your pocket or are you just glad to see me? No wait, it's an avocado... Rugby players in their jockey shorts. 'Nuff said. An out-of-control chatroom! There were shivs involved. Monty has to deliver a little bit of smackdown. A lot of special request songs and dedications! and me. (PS: No show next Friday 07/18/08, as I'll be in San Francisco at BlogHer) Tune in live every Friday night at 9pm Central (10pm Eastern), only on Empire Radio! **original airdate: 07/11/08