Friday Night Live With Monty!

Friday Night Live presents: The Headbanger's Disco Ball!



Join us as we attempt a dangerous mix that has NEVER.BEEN.TRIED.BEFORE -- Headbangin' metal played right alongside DISCO HITS. WOO! KoRn and The Commodores! Quiet Riot and Donna Summer! Does life GET any better than this? I THINK NOT. PLUS! Naked chatroom shenanigans! Some of our regulars were missing, but we had new listeners to corrupt! There was talk of porn flakes and fetishes! You really DON'T have to be a star, baby, to be in my show! Your Fo' Reals Horoscope! A brief but heartfelt tribute to our beloved feather-haired Patrick Swayze, in which we send our happy thoughts and healing vibes to him and his family! MOST.EXCELLENT.MUSIC! and me. Tune in for the LIVE SHOW every Friday night at 9pm Central/10 Eastern, only on Empire Radio! Accept no substitutes. EMAIL THE SHOW: [email protected] **original airdate: 01/09/09