Hypnosis | Hypnotherapy | Life Coaching | Meditations And Self Help By Mike Sweet And Paula Sweet

275 - Don't take Your Mental Health Personally



On this episode of 'Your Absolute Mind', I'm your host, Paula Sweet, and we had a chat about how having too many choices and trying to personalise everything could be messing with our mental health. We live in a world full of options, right? From our clothes to our coffee orders, everything is about what suits me'. This extends to our mental health too, and while it's great that we're acknowledging our personal battles, there's a downside - we start stressing about making the 'perfect' choice. Now, here's a thought: what if we need a bit more standardisation rather than personalisation? It sounds weird, I know. But just like a daily routine can provide some structure to our lives, maybe it could do the same for our mental health. Simple stuff like exercising regularly, getting enough sleep, or practising mindfulness can act as a safety net for our mental health. Looking beyond mental health, think about how successful organisations like the military or big corporations have used standardisation to thrive. The