Dr. Tommy Show

American Devolution, More Guns Less Crime



Broadcasting from the Free State of Florida from Echelon-Health Studios. America is following a pattern established by the Romans 2000 years ago. The pattern is autocracy (monarchy) followed by Republic followed by autocracy (dictatorship). When the powers-that-be in the state police, media, education, and big business are all dominated by Leftist influence there is no way to maintain a Constitutional Republic. And we have not. We are living in post-constitutional times and are largely ruled by unelected bureaucrats who are placed in power by elected legislators who have abdicated their authority. Still no manifesto from the Nashville killer...and we all know why. Glenn Greenwald tried to sue the Nashville Police to get the manifesto (he's a true journalist) but no attorneys will help him. Hoover's Boys seem to be in charge on this one. Meanwhile "mainstream" media CNNABCCBSNYTIMESWASHPOAPREUTERS all dutifully bury anything about the transgender shooter that may go against Official Narratives. What happe