Mother The Mother

112 | Birth Outside the Matrix with Emily Stanwyck



Today on the show, McLean is joined by her good friend Emily Stanwyck. A mom of two, wife, trainer & BIRTHFIT Coach, and a birth doula, Emily has a vast amount of experience in the wellness and birthing world. She works advocating for freedom, informed consent, and birthing out of the medical system. She teaches birth education and leads a year long doula training and mentorship program in the hopes that more women will stand up for their rights in the face of childbirth so that they can feel empowered, whole, and complete when she brings a child into the world and becomes a mother! Today, she and McLean dive deep into the world of birthing. Listen as they chat about the birthing wisdom we’ve allowed ourselves to forget, why women need to learn how to trust their bodies again, and rethinking the role men should play in labor and delivery. In this episode of Mother the Mother:Creating new paradigms with old wisdomHow women can use birth as an opportunity to take back their power  Reclaiming female-centered