Logical Weight Loss Podcast

Resitance Bands Struggles



Weigh In I'm sad to report that I'm up 1 lb and I'm at 235.Resistance Bands HurdlesI bought a Hyfit resistance band set. It's high-tech portable, and kind of geeky. It needs a door that opens out. All of the doors on my bedrooms open out (not in). I also noticed that to work all of your muscles you will need to work different muscles you will need to move the location of any door anchors. What I did was bought multiple door anchors and used a closet that I don't need to get into too often. I have one on the top and bottom and one in the middle. If you're new to resistance bands this has a set of bands and the door anchors I mentioned built-in.The last thing I bought was a good old-fashioned door stop. By adding three-door anchors and the doorstop, I think I've got a working system. As always be careful and contact a doctor before doing any exercise. Fit After FiftyI purchased a package from Fit After 50. Seems a little gimmicky, but I'm going to give it a shot