Pocketnow Weekly Podcast

Thoughts on the Sony Xperia 5 IV from the #SonyKandoTrip (Booredatwork, TheUnlockr)



And we're back! Thank you so much for your patience as I, JV, get back in the saddle to host the Pocketnow Weekly Podcast. I never closed the door on hosting this long running show, but I did find that I had to take care of my own stuff, personal and professional, as I juggled so many different projects at any given time. I want to give thanks to the Pocketnow team for always being understanding and patient with me, not to mention them giving me the space to do everything I do in whatever manner that keeps me healthy in body and spirit. That being said, I had a great opportunity to bring back the podcast because some of our friends were together with me on a wonderful trip -- the Sony Kando Trip. Made primarily as a way for photographer and Sony Alpha camera enthusiasts and influencers to get together, the small core group of tech friends were also in attendance and I got two of them -- Thunder E of Booredatwork and David Cogen, TheUnlockr -- to join me as we talked about the entire lovely week and the Sony