Jeena's Excellent Encounters

Around the World and Japan - Hyun & Masaya



During my travels in Japan I stayed at a Airbnb and interviewed my hosts about their journey around the world and life in Japan.In this podcast:JeenaMasaya YamamotoHyunsuk JiMy prepared notesThese are the notes I have made during preperation, we often don't follow them exactly but they help to follow the conversation.** Schema *** Take a picture *** Introduction **** Short about Jeenas Japan journey **** Masaya ***** Where are you from? ***** What are you working with? ***** Your favourite country to visit and why? **** Hyun ***** Where are you from? ***** How did you meat? ***** What are you working with? ***** Your favourite country to visit and why? *** World tour **** Have you been traveling before? ***** If so how much? **** How many countries did you visit **** How long was your journey? **** Why did you decide to do it? **** Where did you stay mostly? ***** Hotel, Hostel, Airbnb, private? **** Most memorable happenings? **** Was it dangerous? **** Are you in contact with the people you met? **** How mu