Survivor Not By Chance

Stop Allowing Teachers to Bully Students



 There is a no bullying tolerance in schools. But what if the teachers and administrators are the bullies? Teachers and administrators need to be reprimanded for bullying students. I am now naming teachers and administrators that choose to bully my children. All of the black and brown students are my babies. You mess with them, you are messing with me. Bully of the Day goes to Courtney Laster, Gina Terefenko, & Carolyn McDonald. If you or anyone you know is dealing with Bully Teachers or Administrators, please email me at [email protected]. #bullying #schools #teachers #administrators #racism #blm #blacklivesmatter #stop #youtube #facebook #instagram #metaverse #book #notolerance #unconsciousbias #microaggressions #bias #amazon #reader #psychic #protection #karen #whiteprivilege #cancelculture #karenthebrand #2022 #covid19 #covid #protest