Moraine Valley Church

God Will Come Through / People of Promise



 Abrahamic – Foundational Promises Genesis 12,15,17 & Hebrews 6  October 2, 2022 - Communion     Introduction:The foundation of a building not only supports the weight of the structure but also determines the shape of it!The Abrahamic covenant is the foundation that not only supports the entire covenant program of God but also is the foundation that gives shape to the story of the Bible, what God is doing in this world – past present and future and ultimately in our own lives.   The better you understand covenants, the better you understand the Bible!  A synonymous word to covenant is testament.  New and Old Testament = new and old covenant! A covenant is the strongest word in any language to express and define relationships. It is a solemn binding agreement between two parties, which provides a clear statement of how they will relate to one another with promises being made, and conditions agreed upon! The blood sacrifice required in a covenant indicates that they are permanent until one of the parties