Hourglass Podcast

How Do Good Relationships Work w/ Rebekah Freedom | HGP#49



"It’s the idea that how you’re together matters far more than what you’re doing together. It’s this “how” that determines whether the relationship is going to thrive." —Michael Fulwiler of The Gottman Institute So how do good relationships work? How important are compatible relationships to our life?  Falling in love can lead to a relationship, but what is needed for it to truly last? Compatibility. If two entities align: schedules, beliefs, age, culture, work ethic, the assumption is often that a match has been made. Compatibility is the synchronization of different values between partners; It is how you get along as a couple - moving, loving, and growing in harmony. Understanding your role in someone else's life is extremely important and may look and feel different to each of you. It's how one lives their life, exists, and interacts with others that will ultimately determine the quality of their life and thus the quality of their relationships.  In this episode we dive into the Importance of findin