Come Heal Yourself

Teachings from God with Courtney Amundson



Teachings from God: Greeting Your Soul and Revealing the Divine Within – Courtney AmundsonAired Sunday, 28 February 2016, 10:00 PM ETWhere most teenagers are worrying about wearing the right lip color, or following the right YouTube star, Courtney Amundson is only worried about whether the messages she is astonishingly being delivered from the Divine are reaching enough people. Because Courtney was a mere 16 when she began following in the footsteps of Esther Hicks, Jane Roberts, Edgar Cayce and JZ Knight as an extraordinary powerful channeller.Now, a ripened 19 and wise beyond her years, she is introducing to the world Teachings from God, Greeting Your Soul and Revealing the Divine Within, a book of loving channeled wisdom brought forth to light mankind’s path in challenging times.Courtney’s spiritual life began to awaken at the age of 12! Beginning to practice the ancient art of Qigong, she became aware that something was happening. She says “I started to experience more of myself. The meditations were so b