Come Heal Yourself

Return to Healing with Len Saputo



Return to Healing: Radical Health Care Reform and the Future of Medicine with Len SaputoAired Sunday, 13 March 2016, 10:00 PM ETWe Can Heal Our Broken Health Care SystemPioneering doctor offers sweeping solutions that Washington needs to hear For decades he’d been a frontline witness to the failure of America’s health care. Then he founded the Health Medicine movement. Next he opened one of America’s first integrative medical clinics.About the Guest Len SaputoLen Saputo, MD, a 1965 graduate of Duke University Medical School, is board certified in internal medicine, and was in private practice in affliation with John Muir Medical Center for more than thirty years. After his awakening to the deep flaws in conventional medicine, Saputo developed a new paradigm that is now known as integral-health medicine. Len founded the Health Medicine Forum in 1994, and went on to found and direct the Health Medicine Center in Walnut Creek, Californiaone the first integrative clinics. Len is the coauthor of Boosting Immunity: