Ask Deano Radio

Twin Flames - Divine Love and Union



Aired Saturday, 7 May 2016, 3:00 PM ETDeane will discuss Twin Souls/Twin Flames, the negative patterns carried over, and the challenges of the Twin Flame relationship and sacred union.Much has been said and written about the Twin Flame/Twin Soul connection, it seems to be “in vogue” at the moment, with many who are experiencing an unprecedented sensation of love and loss. There is a definitive answer that only your soul knows, and it is this knowing that continually feeds the quest for our own truth. The knowing is so deep and profound many traditional therapists will quite happily label this infatuation or obsession and suggest a drastic course of action or therapy.Traditional therapists are not usually very spiritual or philosophical, they have been programmed (not taught) to follow set methods of identifying character behaviors and traits, based on peer knowledge. In the search for help with trying to understand these internal feelings and knowing’s one has to research, we are then confronted with dis-info