Moraine Valley Church

Under the Sun / Week 7



Death – A Powerful Teacher Ecclesiastes 7, 9, 12    August 7, 2022   Introduction:Let me ask you a question – it’s New Year’s Eve 2022 and you have two engagements, one in the morning to go to a funeral of someone you deeply loved and the second in the evening to go to a party with some of the most fun people you know!Which would you rather go to? Which would be more beneficial for you to go to? Turn to Ecclesiastes 7 and read v2-4Read v2 again note - it is better …. because/for that is the end of every one of us and it has an impact upon our heart.  Simply stated when you go to a funeral one of God’s purposes of this is to remind us that someday it will be our turn to be in that box.  Read v3. Give the literal translation of v3Hebrew lit – the heart “becometh” better NLT – sadness has a refining influence on us. Bottom line - the sorrow, pain, and grief that the death of a loved one brings to us has the potential to make us better, to refine us, and transform us! Death, both in the book of Ecclesiastes