Moraine Valley Church

Under the Sun / Week 8



Don’t play it safe, take risks Ecclesiastes 11:1-6 - August 21, 2022 - Picnic Introduction:How do you normally respond when you have an opportunity to do something or a decision that has to be made but you really do not know what to do because the future is uncertain and out of your control?  Do you wait for better circumstances before acting?  Circumstances, which seem never to come! Do you get frozen by the fear of failure or getting it wrong? Or do you are stuck in the paralysis of analysis mode and never move out?  If you remember our chart of the big picture of Ecclesiastes in the second half of the book he is giving insight and advice on how to live in light of The things he learned in his investigation Also, the fact that everyone is going to die Finally, the fact that no one knows the future Last week we looked at the lessons he teaches us on death, today we are going to see the key lesson he teaches us since   No one knows the future!At least 21 times in this book, this idea comes up.  It is not