Moraine Valley Church

Under the Sun / Week 5



 The Test of Pleasure Passage July 31, 2022    Introduction:How many of you have ever seen an illusionist – they are skilled at presenting something real in front of our eyes which leads us to an incorrect perception or false impression about the object .I have always been amazed and entertained by them as they admit it is not magic but an illusion.  Satan is also an illusionist as he is skilled at putting the real things of this world before the eyes of our heart with the intent to mislead or deceive us into thinking this is just what I need! One of the greatest illusions that Satan presents to both to the lost and believer is that what the world has to offer will bring you the fulfillment and joy you are looking for. Turn to 1 John 2:15-17 and readNote:Loving God and loving the things of this world are polar opposites What God offers lasts forever and what the world offers passes away We also see the heart of what the things of the world are:  Reread v16.Lust of the flesh – the pleasures that please our se